Wednesday, September 12, 2012

No. 197: To Live Where and How Voice Lives

Dear Friends,

This morning I am more convinced than ever that the Path of a singer is not just about singing.  When we REALLY walk the path: when we find a teacher with the know-how to lead us, through vocal technique, to the Center of Who We Are as singers--when we are willing to experience every challenge and adventure we face on that Path, we eventually look around and find it is the Treasure of LIFE we've been looking for all along.

The experience of being alive has been carved out of my Being by VOICE.  THIS IS THE POWER OF OPERA ORGANICALLY.  THIS is the awakening power of singing.

I believe we are losing music education from schools across the country for the following reason: Song, music, and the making of it has been confused with luxury.  THE EXPERIENCE OF LIVING IS NOT A LUXURY!  IT IS A NECESSITY.

Opera Organically is about shouting out this awareness, this reality.  It's about sending out a primal call to the universe that True Voice, this Entity which connects us all, cannot be silenced.  It's about riding the wave of a passion that flows through us with or without a functioning education system.  It's about the seed of expression lying dormant in EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US.  It's about singing...and SO much more!!

Good, Go(o)d Morning y'all!



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