Saturday, April 9, 2011

No. 138

What if we and the music we make are made of One and the same thing?  Are we ready to embrace that possibility? To own the love we feel, the passion which these creations, inanimate until we breathe through them,  inspire in us?  Are we willing to release control, to surrender to the unknown as music takes over who we are, even when we are not singing it?  Are we aware of what music can teach us? Of how much It understands the world we live in, the lives we lead, indeed where we came from?  Could we ever grasp the chance, the shadow of a dream which says that music itself is alive?  That music embodies qualities to which we can aspire? That to answer to music is the same as answering to God Herself?  Will we do this in all knowing?  I believe that we are doing it all along, and that life is simply our birthing toward knowing It!

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